Have you heard of Swagbucks.com?? It's freakin' awesome! You earn points by doing your searches (powered by Google) through their site. So you easily put their search toolbar into your search toolbar and earn points. If you search everyday you'll earn at least 1 swagbuck (total - not one with every search). Sometimes you'll get 3 "bucks" sometimes 10. Sometimes you'll even get multiple 1 Swagbucks if you happen to be doing a lot of searching.
Slowly but surely I've earned $30 worth of giftcard for Amazon.com. $30! That's like two free crafty sewing books! With free shipping to boot!! Just think, if you start now you'll have lots of money to spend by Christmas for gifts!
Click on the picture above or on this link. Sign up under me and as you win, I win.
Oh yeah! If you enter the "swagcode" (you'll see it as you're signing up) just enter CASHISKING and earn an extra 5 swagbucks!! Woot! Woot! btw - I'm sure this expires, but I'm not sure when. I just found the code on another blog. Also, I think it's just for people signing up for the first time.
Thanks for this, I just signed up!
We started using Swagbucks a few months back with the pure intention of cashing in for giftcards to use for Christmas! Love it!
great idea, thanks!
I signed up a while ago through your link and I think I've earned you quite a few swag bucks! I've already won $30 worth of Amazon gift cards too! I love it!
Have you received the giftcard?
hi cindy-
the gift cards for amazon are e-gift cards. once you "buy" a gift card, you verify the order by a link sent to you in an email and then 9-10 days later swag bucks emails you and says it's in your account. it's a code that you input at amazon.com "apply gift cards" and amazon stores the dollar amount for you. So far i've got $75 for just surfin' the web and earning points from my friends.
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