While at Target I walked past a bag of Caramels. I figured I give the caramel apple a shot. I've made them with Tracy before. Ok. I watched while she made them the not-cheating way (involving a candy thermometer) and then I ate it. I was there more as moral support.
Anyway, I bought the bag of caramels thinking it would be a fun family activity. Well, it turns out - it's even fun when you're just making one. All you need is (for 1):
9 caramel squares
1/2 tbs water
melt in a small saucepan on low. Stir continuously.
Stick your Popsicle stick into the apple. Dip the apple in the caramel. You may have to roll it since you're not melting enough to technically "dip".
**don't refrigerate. It makes the caramel HARD.
Then. I melted chocolate chips in the microwave. Unless you know how to do this, Google it. It's not hard, but there is a way to make it smooth and dip-able.
Add nuts. Or candy. Or more chocolate. Or crushed pretzels. The possibilities are endless.
Wouldn't this be a fun gift for teachers? Neighbors? Co-workers? Cellophane, cute ribbon and tags? The holidays, they are a-comin'.

mmmmmmm I want one!!! Can you bring me one now please?!
I made mini caramel apples once by using a melon baller to make apple bites. After you pat them dry thoroughly you can dip them in caramel or chocolate. So yummy! And my the perfect size for my kids to eat (they ate the apple and everything because there are no seeds to worry about in the middle! Check it out at http://creativecakesbyangela.blogspot.com/2008/10/mini-caramel-apples.html
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