If you are a sewer/crafter I'm certain that when you look at things other people made you think to yourself "I could totally make that".
That's me.
Plus, I was "accused" by my husband a while back that I'm motivated by money. At first I was slightly insulted, but it's true and as long as money doesn't rule my life, I think it's ok. As a stay at home mom, instead of being motivated to MAKE money I seem to be motivated to SAVE money. I craft for the creative outlet, but another reason (among many) I craft is because I like to give gifts and it helps when I can give a nice handmade gift without spending lots of money. Plus, my
time is priceless right ;)
Which leads me to a birthday gift for my sister's husband. I saw these Lego cuff links at a local handmade consignment shop, $25 for 1 pair, and thought of him. I also knew I could make them. Check out how easier they are:

Buy blank cuff links off Etsy
here. You don't even have to buy a zillion of them. 4 pairs cost me $2.50.

Find Legos. I like these square ones, but I think the ones that are 3 nodes by 2 nodes would work too. Luckily I have a friend that has a big bin of legos that don't complete a set. She let me rummage through it to find what I wanted. $0. Maybe you could find some at a thrift shop perhaps?

Super glue the lego onto the cuff link. Make sure they are going the same direction.

See, easy.
Total cost (with shipping) $4.95.
Now I guess I ought to let my sister know that she should give her husband a shirt for his Birthday that
needs cuff links.